Rankings 2020
Middle Up: Highly recommended
Private Equity & Funds: Recommended
Industry: Highly recommended
Information & digital technologies – middle management: Highly recommended
International: Highly recommended
Rankings 2019
Private Equity (Funds and their portfolio): Renowned Practice
Major Generalists (Top Management): Renowned Practice
Major Generalists (Middle Up) : Strong notoriety
International : Strong notoriety
HR Management : Strong notoriety
Industry and Manufacturing: Strong notoriety
ICT and Digital: Strong notoriety
Rankings 2018
Major Generalist (Middle Up) : Strong Notoriety
Industry and Manufacturing: Strong notoriety
ICT and Digital: Strong notoriety
International : Strong Notorriety
Major Generalists (Top Management):Renowned Practice
Private Equity (Funds and their portfolio): Renowned Practice
HR Directors : Renowned Practice
Rankings 2017
Industry and Manufacturing: Strong notoriety
ICT and Digital: Strong notoriety
Private Equity (Funds and their portfolio): Renowned Practice
Major Generalists (Top Management): Renowned Practice
International: Renowned Practice
Rankings 2016
Private Equity (Funds and their portfolio): Renowned Practice
Major Generalists (Top Management): Renowned Practice
Industry and Manufacturing: Strong notoriety
ICT and Digital: Strong notoriety
Ranking “LeadersLeague 2020“
Ranking “Decideurs Guide 2018“
Ranking “Decideurs Guide 2017“
Ranking “Decideurs Guide 2016”